We love our precious babies, but they can be EXPENSIVE! From Diapers, wipes and clothes, to all kinds of furnishings, the tab runs up quicker than Olympic sprinters! Our babies deserve to be well cared for and that means making sure they have everything they need, including the things we have to buy repeatedly.
So how can we make sure we provide them with everything they need while avoiding a hefty bill?
Below we have compiled a thing of beauty and every parents dream; an accurately detailed list of ways new parents can get their hands on FREE baby supplies!
1. Check craigslist under the 'free' tab for used baby items. Most items are likely to be clothes and blankets but you can find toys, shoes, and many other items there as well. You can also post in the wanted section what products you need and people will respond with what they have. In addition to these tips you can even go under the for sale tab and look for baby items that are priced low. Reach out to the buyer and ask if hey would consider donating the items to you as a mother in need. They may agree to give you the items free of charge or give you such a significant discount that you get them almost free!
2. Facebook is a great place to get free items as well. Many people donate baby items on Marketplace. You can also reach out to sellers and negotiate and almost free or free price for certain items. There are also many Facebook groups in your are and surrounding that are dedicated to donating free, unneeded and even unused baby items.
3. Churches and Food Banks also have free items! You wouldn't believe how many Food Banks have free formula and the bottles to go with them. Many churches and Food Banks will also assist with free items like diapers and wipes. This is a huge help considering how quickly our babies go through a pack of diapers!
4. Finally you can get free baby supplies by signing up on different sites for product testing! When new baby products are launched, they often giveaway the first few samples and use your positive reviews and feedback to encourage new clients to buy. By helping these new companies you could have what you need for free in many different categories and growth stages for your baby!
These are some of the top ways to get free supplies for your baby. Of course it is recommended that anything you purchase secondhand from individuals online is not just cleaned but thoroughly sterilized before use. Also, when you have success with these methods, pass it to the next parent so that they can get the help they need as well!